

After some refreshing days (the safari ones less than the others) in the desert jewel of Jaisalmer I will probably head for Udaipur tomorrow.
But first I'll tell you all what I lived through here.

After the usual hassle at the bus station I finally found a nice hotel inside the fort, situated directly at the outer wall with a great view over all the city (pop. 55.000) outside the fort. Though there aren't that many tourists around in September you meet nice (and not that nice) people all the time. E.g. there were the two girls from the Czech Republic who were insanely impolite and extremely annoying. Anyway, a day later Aldi (aged 28 and living all over the world for several years now) from Columbia and Emma from England who met in Delhi and traveled together since then arrived and we had a lot of fun together.

As everywhere you can rent bikes for a day and ride out to the desert.

Of course I had to participate in the obligatory camel safari which every tourist coming to Jaisalmer has to do. So I went with Inon (Tel Aviv), Leane (Essex) and two Japanese girls (Osaka) and two camel guys on 6 camels into the desert. It's hot, painful, dirty, sandy, and not that much fun at all. Still the stars in the nightly sky over a dark desert are so intense that it is worth the trip. And of course it's nice to sleep in the dunes and sit around the campfire drinking self made chai and eating fresh chapati. Even though speaking very little English the Japanese girls were hilariously funny and after some time Inon and myself finally found a remote village with a fridge where we could buy cold pepsi for a lot of rupees.

After the most refreshing shower of my life and two days and one night in the desert you never want to ride a camel again and you are quite happy that it's over.

Inon, Leane, Osaka girls and camel guys (from left to right), some of our camels in the background

Me + dunes

Me + camel

Leane + dunes

desert gypsies

Yesterday on the rooftop there was finally a group of six having dinner. Mario from Dresden, Leane (look above), Johanna aus Graz and Ella from Wales. I was just about to start a huge discussion about the difference of a goat being sacrificed at a religious event which Ella wanted to attend and all the animals who die for my food (since she was vegetarian) when my phone rang and stopped me. Mario who turned out to be quite an annoying idiot and Johanna spoke all the time in German, and dragged me into it, which was quite rude towards the other girls of course. Anyway Mario and Leane and Johanna left this morning and I'll follow them tomorrow hoping to meet Aldi and Emma again in Udaipur.

My attempts of buying a Hero Honda or renting a Royal Enfield have been canceled due to the high prices and almost no used bikes being offered for sale in Jaisalmer.

That's it for now. Have fun and stay cool.

PS. Try not to read Dostoevsky's 'The Idiot' since it's far too long and too many characters are involved.

6 Kommentare:

Weltenfeind hat gesagt…

Hört sich doch gut an! Und hat dir der Po wehgetan nach 2 tagen auf einem kamel reiten? :D Immerhin warste jetzt auch mal in der Wüste, war doch im nachhinein sicher lohnenswert!
Ich wünsch dir viel Spaß und kannst du nicht auch mehr Bilder hochladen, würde gerene mehr sehen, oder ist das zu aufwändig?
Du scheinst da ja auch nie allein zu sein, so viele Leute wie du da immer triffst.
Also dann, Gute Weiterreise, viel Spaß und noch viele nette Leute.


Beowulf hat gesagt…

hmm... der upload speed is fuern arsch und da meine kamera 10 megapixel hat is das net so prickelnd, ewig zu warten bis die bilder da sind

Weltenfeind hat gesagt…

Mh schade, dann musst du halt doch mal ne DVD schicken, wie viele Bilder haste denn etwa gemacht und viele Platz haben deine Karten insgesamt? (so wie ich dich kenn bist du bei locker 10000 Bildern...)


Anonym hat gesagt…

Mario aus Dresden,
des hört sich halt auch schon wien Megaspasti an :P

Joa is schon witzig aus welchen Ländern da das ganze gesocks hergechillt kommt :)

Beowulf hat gesagt…

ne net viele... hab ja 8gb als CF karten dabei und die erste is grad mal halb voll. aber da ich jetzt noch zeit hab bis mein bus faehrt und in meim hotel inet frei is kommen nochn paar bilder.

jo, sind schon deppen unterwegs, hauptsaechlich die leute, die nur 2-3 wochen in indien sind und halt uber abgehen mit sightseeing etc.

Anonym hat gesagt…

Hehe, 'Mario who turned out to be quite an annoying idiot' isn toller Satz :)

Das mit Dostojewskij kenn ich, hab jetzt bereits vier mal Schuld und Sühne angefangen, weiter als 80 Seiten bin ich nie gekommen. Aber irgendwann schaff ich das.

Viel Spaß noch.